
Unofficial tour in Metro Studio

How to select which of the 104 tracks will go into 48 channel mixing desk?
With a couple of simple multipin patchbays it is possilble to select any combination of your sources quickly and easily.
How to reduce resonances between two sheets of a glass? Take a couple of snakes and stones an put them in. An aquarium with a golden fish would be even better.
Or use vertical sheets of thick glass and glue them with silicon sealant to the window.
What is a diffusor?
Anything that diffuses sound, like old computer keyboards, aluminium controller plates, toys etc.
Courtesy of producer engineer Janez Križaj.
Old but trustworthy:
24 track analog: still on duty.
6 channel foldback mixer, with +/-28 volts power supply (for deaf drummers and rock guitarists). We built four of them in 1981, after 24 years still on duty.
This is not exactly Tom Hidley's "volcanic rock", but it serves it's purpose nevertheless, strategicaly placed under a rock drum set.

How to tell a deaf drummer that recording is on?
Turn on the recording light please!
Click picture to enlarge.
mc 02
mc 06
Bonsai update
Double MS
Metro Studio
Unofficial tour
Short bio
For sale
Tuchel conn.
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